Tuesday, September 28, 2010

First Ferry Ride!

Watching the street musicians in Port Townsend

We're back! Our trip home was awesome. It was really good to see my family and to be able to go to Stacie's memorial. I really needed some closure and although it was emotionally the hardest thing I have ever done, in a weird way it was incredibly good for me.

On Saturday Henry got to ride on a ferry for the first time. The weather was perfect and the streets of Port Townsend were filled with traveling musicians and the smell of the Pacific ocean and good food. Henry ate coconut pineapple ice cream and played in some of the coolest toy stores I've seen in a long time (until he ripped the tag off of a wooden teether. and i noticed it was $19. wtfembarrassinglet'sgonow. right?)

Washington State, you pretty much rule.

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  1. wow, what a gorgeous day! plus henry in a lumberjack coat and babylegs [that could possibly be socks with the feet cut off! haha] is the cutest!
    im really glad you got some closure. and that you got to spend time with your fam again! :)

  2. Looks like he loved the ferry ride. I love those striped leggings they are super cute.

    I'm glad you went to the memorial. I bet it was hard but I know she was probably looking down on you and so happy you came!*HUGS*

    p.s I voted

  3. Oh goodness. That first pic of just Henry looks a lot like Stevie. Just put some shaggy hair on that cute face and you got Stevie.

  4. Gorgeoues pictures as always! He's just got the most gorgeous eyes!!

    Glad you made it back for the memorial, closure is always difficult but necessary to continue on.

    Take care Allie


  5. your son has the most precious eyes.

  6. Allie! Thank you so much for your sweet comment! I love your blog, your son is adorable & I think you are just one of the cutest mommas!

    I am def going to take your button, and look forward to reading more from you!

    PS- Im glad you got to go home. I will be moving in Jan to Virginia from my family in TX and I know the distance will be hard but the trips back will be fun.

  7. Seriously he gets cuter and cuter the older he gets!

  8. sounds like a marvelous experience darling. henry looks so grown up on those pictures!

  9. i simply adore his jacket! it looks so cozy and warm!

  10. happy to hear it all went well and that you got the closure you needed.
    i love Henry's little jacket!

  11. He is so adorable. I just love those eyes!! Oh and WHERE ON EARTH did you get those striped little pants? So cute.

    Im so glad my letter put a smile on your face. The pic you sent me is on my fridge so I see it everyday! Im so sorry to hear about your friend and the tough times you had lately.

    Hope you're doing well. xoxo

  12. Henry is so yummy!! Such a handsome little man.
    I'm glad you had a good trip home :)
