Wednesday, September 29, 2010

because i don't feel like editing photos....

I think this is just so creative. I'm especially into it when Solsbury Hill starts playing. Pure. Genius. I think you'd have to have seen The Shining for this to make any sense though. I played it for Garrison a few weeks ago (he has never seen the movie) and he was all like, "OH? Ha...ha?" afterward.

Now I'm off to by a real mop and a broom that hasn't been used to sweep up used cat litter cuz baby boy be crazy crawling now!

Oh and equally awesome? This:


  1. those are so totally awesome!!! i love the exorcist spinning mary poppins head! ahahaha! funny how you can turn things around like that. i bet there are more...where did you find them?

  2. I havent seen the shining so I dont think that will make sense to me

    but how was your trip?

    Hope it went well!
