Thursday, August 12, 2010

We Love Restaurants (now) ! !

don't sit by my wild child unless you'd like peas all over your new blouse

Eating out with Henry has (very recently) become one of our most favorite things to do. He sits in a highchair like a champ now and is usually quite content with a few good toys and a container of oatmeal and peas.

When he was a new baby I never fully enjoyed a meal out- I spent most of the time worrying about him crying uncontrollably and bothering the other customers (puh-lease!). Now all we worry about are a few Pterradactyl screeches here and there and the massive oatmeal-pea raspberries he blows at people walking by (and come on, that's pretty funny).

Just four months ago we were literally too scared to leave the house for much longer than an hour. Now we don't even think twice about going to our favorite restaurants as a family.

It's almost mind blowing how much changes in just a few months time.

(want proof? read


  1. my lil guy is a handful when we go out to eat! i hope he will get better as well!

  2. go h!

    i seriously. can. not. wait. to. meet him!

  3. Ahh!! Look at that face! What a great capture! Bennett just recently started sitting up really well on his own so I'm super exited to take him out to a restaurant and put him in the high chair! I bet he'll love it. Okay, that's it. You've totally inspired me to do it!

  4. It only gets better! Aidyn is more and more fun!

    p.s. I never get upset with babies that cry. Only during weddings.. and in that case I am not mad at the baby I'm mad at the parents! Besides that.. babys cry.. thats what they do! I was mortified when Aidyn cried at rest/stores/outings but now that its passed, i realized it really never mattered!

  5. I'm still in the "too busy praying that he won't start screaming to enjoy the meal" stage. Can I borrow some confidence??

    And if he ever manages to hit someone, I hope you can get in on video!

  6. oh my! he looks so excited to be out with mommy and daddy :D.

  7. Haha I love it when they scream its almost like they know everyone else is talking in the restraunt and they need to be louder. He is such a big boy in his high chair yay Henry!!

  8. Cute! It is so nice to get out of the house. Ruari has always liked the loud noise at restaurants. It's sort of our little vacation.

  9. right son HATES going out in public places. it was great till about 15 months..then it slowly got worse. i guess now was the perfect time for my hubby to get deployed haha!

  10. It's so funny that you call them Pteradactyl screeches too! When my little brother was a baby/toddler he was very fond of making that noise and that is what we called it too!
