Thursday, July 1, 2010

Jiggy With It

Ever since we introduced Henry to the exersaucer, he's really into bouncing and bobbing up and down like a complete spazz. He's always worming up your hip and stamping his feet the second they touch any surface. We've been encouraging this latest dance craze by getting hella down to 90s rap after a long day at work. Now every time I open my computer H gets all excited and starts shaking that little diapered booty of his.


  1. i watched this with wyatt and he was for real cracking up!

  2. Ahhhhhhh SO cute hahaha

  3. ::doin the cabbage patch::
    go henry! go henry! go henry!

  4. Jess: the little boy i work with was doing the same thing! so funny!

    kirby and jill, thanks for watching!

  5. This is so cute! And Bennett has that same shirt! Good taste! :-)
