Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I know I'm a little (okay, way) late with this post but hey, see that lil' guy up there? He steals time! And he's sneaky good at it too. I seriously have the best readers ever and can't thank you enough for giving us some pretty rad blog awards. Melissa from Four Ladies and a Patient Man, Chelsey from Paper Mama, and Lovie's Mom from Finally Mom, you are so sweet. I feel like there may be a couple other bloggers that I am forgetting because it has been so freaking long... Please let me know if I have missed you and I will link your blog here with the others!

I pass on these awards to three very lovely bloggers, please take the time to check these awesome girls out!

The Chronicles of Corbin
Just One More Trip
The Flowers in her Hair


  1. Hey I just found your blog and I love it! I have a little man who is about the same age as your little guy. I think we had the same due date but I had Kingston a month early.

    Your baby boy is adorable!! I'm excited to follow your blog!

    check out mine if you want.

  2. Those glasses are too cute. Where did you find them? I'd love to get some for my son, Landon.

  3. Um, I just fricken heart you all over. You're the sweetest, cutest thing. Thanks for sharing us with your readers!! We love you!!!

  4. Hey shawntae! i can't wait to check out your blog! i love reading about babies that are close to h in age. and kingston? oh my god, what a cuuute name!!

    Jessica! We got the glasses at crazy 8. they have so many cute styles available online and are very reasonably priced!

    katherine! i hope lots of people find your blog, i just love it!

  5. allie: one, i'm dying over henry in those glasses. seriously! just too cute.

    and two? thanks for showing my blog some lovin'. you are much too kind!

  6. you are the sweetest! thanks for thinking of me...and corbin!

    and i think i say this on every comment but henry is just too adorable! i love that you can see the reflection of you taking the pic in his glasses!

  7. Thanks! I'll definitely have to check it out. I'd love to get some for Landon. Also, thanks for following my blog. I really appreciate it. I'm just starting out and not really sure what I'm doing. :)
