Monday, July 19, 2010

Happy Three Year Anniversary!

Dear G,

A little over three years ago we were busy falling in love over loud music and summer days on your roof. We were climbing over fences to explore old football stadiums and fishing by the river with bottles of Andre. We were holding newborn kittens in my closet and learning to take care of a little girl who needed us. It all feels like yesterday, where has the time gone?

The first time we kissed was on your little couch under your bed, you had just gotten done playing a Rocky Votolato you remember? When your band started practicing in my basement I felt so proud that a boy as awesome as you would find an excuse to see me more often. Did you know that I totally knew you had purposely "forgotten" your keys at your apartment, that time we were walking home from a show?

I have always been completely intrigued by your uniqueness and love for your family. Three years later and this hasn't changed.
Now I watch you with our baby and seriously wonder how I got so lucky. I love that every new thing we do, we do together.

Happy three year anniversary, I love you so much.



  1. this is absolutely adorable!! happy anniversary!

  2. :) Happy Anniversary sweetie!!!! :))

    What a sweet letter!

  3. i hope you have a great anniversary!

  4. Happy Anniversary, what a cute story! (and pic!!)

  5. Such a beautiful tribute to your love. You are both lucky.

  6. Crying like a baby. This is the sweetest thing, Allie. You guys have something so special, and the fact that you see it makes it even more so. Perfection.

  7. haha, ah yes i have found those. and, bought two :)

  8. that picture is too sweet. you can just see the love in it!

  9. Happy Anniversary! Yay!

    Oh, and saw you asking about wooden teethers on Melissa's blog. These are natural and organic AND funny!

  10. We had an awesome anniversary, thanks for all of the wishes! Melissa: thanks for sending me that link, i've been looking for it everywhere.

    chelsey: so awesome! i can't wait to get my next pay check :)
