Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Half Birthday = Success

But then again, how do you really screw up a half birthday?

ps. blogger is being stupid (what else is new) and not letting me open the comment window. thank you all so much for your recent messages, i promise i'll reply as soon as i can! also, if you have a second do ya think you could vote for us? thanks!

Click To Vote For Us @ Top Baby Blogs Directory!


  1. best pictures ever! very merry un-birthday to you little henry!
    i just LOVE half birthdays!

  2. Esp love the last one! :-)

    Got some very cute stuff for my Niece-to-be (one from Sigikid, they´re found in your place, too) - still gotta ask Bro about the Bumbo Seats (maybe when the lille one is here, he´s got so much on his mind right now with apartments).

  3. so cute!

    Happy half birthday mister Henry! What a great party!

  4. I just voted... haha... I love the weimeraner decked out in the birthday hat as well. Beautiful family.

  5. Thank you for all of your votes/comments. Iris, I saw all of the things you found! That little lovie is just too adorable, I love it!
