Monday, June 28, 2010

Uff Da! on Etsy

john cena

One of my most favorite mommy bloggers has finally opened her Etsy shop! If you are looking for adorable, unique, and reasonably priced items for a little girl then please, click the picture above. Can you seriously beat a super cute (handmade!) summer dress for only $22.00?!

Emily also makes hair clips and fun bibs (some for little boys too!)

Look! Look!

Now seriously, go help a mama out and buy something awesome for your little sweetie!


  1. how cool, i'll have to check it out!

  2. im so excited about this too! i need a friend to get pregnant with a little girl so i can buy her one of everything!

  3. oh my WORD lady! this post made. my. morning. what an amazing thing to wake up and see - you are seriously far too kind!

    i truly appreciate this promotion - getting my shop up and running has been a ton of work and it's incredible to have such great support. thank you, THANK YOU!! and thank you to your awesome readers - my item views have seriously skyrocketed and i just sold another baby dress!

    you are lovely and amazing. hugs and a kiss on your cheek!


  4. aw, yay for em! love her. and her stuff! now i just need a little girl to adorn in all her cuteness!
