Monday, June 28, 2010

The Scariest Moment

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Yesterday was seriously one of the scariest days I have ever experienced. Our weekend was a ton of fun, Friday and Saturday were spent lazing around the house and enjoying our time together before G starts his new job. Sunday morning I woke up around five and sleepily pulled H into bed with us. G was still sleeping soundly and soon Henry and I dozed off again. Two hours later I woke up to G saying, "Oh man. Ohhhh man. Something's not right Allie." He walked out of the bathroom and said he felt like passing out. I got out of bed just as he started stumbling across the room. I grabbed him and pulled him half way onto the bed and suddenly his body collapsed and his eyes rolled into the back of his head. As his eye lids fluttered I reached for my phone. Dead battery. I searched the bookshelf for his phone with one hand and slapped his face with the other. Just as I was getting ready to call 911, G woke up and asked me why I was hitting him so hard. I told him he had passed out and he had absolutely no recollection of the previous events. Umm, scary!!!

We rushed to the hospital and ended up spending most of our Sunday morning in the ER, waiting around for CAT scans and test results. I held Henry the entire time, just hoping that he wouldn't catch any weird sickness from the other people in the waiting room. Three hours later H was able to come home. The diagnosis? Kidney stones.

He is doing much better today and even refused to miss the first day of his new job. Yesterday I realized that I totally take our family's general health for granted. As I watched G passed out on the floor with his mouth open, I felt a feeling I had never experienced before. Absolute fear and panic and sadness. I suddenly felt completely vulnerable. Everything was happening so fast and yet so slow. It's really hard to describe.

After coming home from the hospital I snuggled Henry extra hard and hardly put him down all day. The three of us took a two hour nap in our big bed together and last night I slept with my arm around G's waist. You really don't realize just how fortunate you are until something so frightening makes you see your life in a whole new way.


  1. Wow, Allie. I hope you guys are alright. I'm glad it wasn't anything worse.

    It's nice that you can get new insights out of scary things. Some people can't do that.

    I hope G gets better from now on, and hopefully nothing like this happens again for you.

    Take care. ♥

  2. ohhh no! I hope everything is okay! Isn't that the truth though. We take life for granted as well, until its almost gone.

    I hope your hubs is feeling better! Give him lots and lots of lovin! :)

    Hugs to you girl!

  3. HOLY CRAP!! I'm glad he's ok but HOLY CRAP!

  4. That would be so scary! I'm glad it wasn't more serious.

  5. i am so glad that everyone is ok!

    your in my thoughts that g has a super speedy recovery :)

  6. i'm so glad to hear that all is well now. i can't even begin to imagine the emotions that were passing through your head! hope everything passes just fine and that you're sweet family is all well again.

  7. oh my goodness allie. that is SO scary! i have been thinking a lot about how fortunate we are to have all that we have lately too! i dont know much, okay ANYTHING, about kidney stones but at least you know whats wrong and can work on getting G better.

  8. Oh, I am so sorry! That is absolutely scary! I'm SO glad it turned out for the good. Man. I would totally freak out. Hug that baby and your man a little tighter.

    I look at things very differently since my scary birth.

  9. That is really scary! I can't imagine how you must have felt during those hours that you spent waiting to know what was wrong... I'm sorry that was the end to your fun weekend. At least you know what the proble
    is... :)

  10. thats so scary! im glad he is ok now.

  11. Thank you all so much! I haven't heard from him yet because he is still at work but I'm assuming that's a good thing? It's so scary when life stands still for a moment like that. You are all the sweetest ever, I will send him your love!

  12. allie, I will be praying for all of your family (and specially G). Everything will be all right darling.

  13. Thanks Mariel! We really appreciate it!

  14. SUPER SCARY!!! david just left for the grocery store and this makes me want to call him back just so i can hug him! glad to hear all is ok; what an awful experience though. hugs to you both!!!

  15. Oh my god, Allie. That's so scary--I'm glad he's (mostly) alright though. Kidney stones suck--I've been told (by multiple different MOMS) that they're worse than labor. Are they passed yet? Love you guys (yeah--all three of you. Weird, right?)

  16. oh my gosh! i'm so glad G is okay!!!! that's so scary. i can't even imagine what i would do if i found travis that way.
    kidney stones suck. i'm so sorry G has to go through that. he's lucky to have you and H to take care of him!

  17. Thanks Emily, Paige, and Sarah. We aren't sure if they've passed yet but he hasn't been in any pain all day so hopefully he's over all this!

  18. Had a similar experience in 2008 - for 6 months... Health really is the most valuable thing besides love...

  19. OhGod, Allie, I can't even imagine how scary that experience must have been! Health is really the most important thing. I hope he gets better soon. Many hugs to you three!

  20. That is really, really uncool.
    I can't imagine anything happening to my Chris...
    You certainly do appreciate the people in your life when there is a threat that they could be gone.
    So glad that your man is ok....or at least getting better.
