Saturday, June 26, 2010

New Food #3


  1. ooo, really makes me want a bite! do you think henry could share?

  2. how the heck did it get on his head?! and gross! peas are gross henry... don't eat them! no!

    i have to admit, since i'm not a fan of peas in baby food form (i like peas in real life actually) i end up not giving them to wyatt. it just freaks me out. i'd rather just give him real peas i think.

  3. Melissa: i'm sure h would be more than happy to share, he's not too into them!

    Jess: i was trying to see if that airplane trick works with babies like it does with toddlers and ended up dumping it! baby food peas weird me out much sodium and sugar and really weird color. i've been making all of H's food so far so i felt a little better about these :)

  4. Hahaha! I thought you put them on his head just for the picture!!

  5. hahaha! peas on the top of his head! i was crazy obsessed [ok i still am] with taking pictures of corbin with every new food he eats. and video taping it too!

  6. Yeah, H is going to have so many pics/videos of all the foods he ate as a baby. So silly, but I can't help it!

  7. ooh it looks like he likes them! :) i am still having trouble with my peas lol

  8. On the had!!! Thaz poor kid, LOL :-)

  9. hehe I just adore him. but i can't stand peas. blech! fortunately Lovie doesn't seem too fond of them either. ;)

  10. Ha! What a mess! At least the Bumbo is green too. ;)

  11. Mariel: Yeah, he hated them at first but last night actually started liking them. Weird!

    Iris: Whoops! I'm a bad mom, ha ha.

    Lovie's momma: Everyone hates peas, what's with that? ;)

    Chelsey: That's what Garrison and I were joking about! With that bumbo you could hardly see all of the peas he was spitting out!
