Saturday, June 26, 2010

megan's visit May 10 178 by you.

Henry won't nap today and I feel like I am going crazy. I don't usually use this blog to vent but today has. been. stressful. G is off volunteering for some program and all morning I have been alone with this screaming kid who won't even let me pee on my own. I've been bouncing him on my hips, rotating him from toy to toy, and nursing him like whoa all in the hopes of wearing him out.

He's fussing in his bassinet and every time I think he's finally fallen asleep he starts screaming even louder than before. I've been calling those quiet moments the "calm before the storm". Do you know what I'm describing or is my baby the only one who teases me with them?

Why he won't nap makes no sense to me because three or four nights ago he decided once again that sleeping is for squares. I feel bad but right now I'm just letting him cry it out. I've tried everything! I hate feeling like I never get a break. Don't get me wrong, I love this kid more than anything in the whole world but honestly? I can only handle so much. When will I be able to have just a few moments to myself again? Please tell me this doesn't last much longer!

I know, "This too shall pass" and "you'll miss these days when they're gone" lalala. I say GOOD. This is something I'm not going to miss in the slightest!


  1. agh. im sorry henry is being a stinker! corbin has his days too and i feel like im going to pull my hair out!!! do you have any baby carriers you could try putting him in? that always seems to help us.
    i hate when i feel angry at him for not sleeping, then once he's asleep i look at him all peaceful and feel bad. :(

  2. Jill! I'll have to try the carrier. It's always my last resort these days because my back is killing me! I do the same thing once he is asleep or nursing too! Awww, it's a good thing our boys are so cute <3

  3. just go for a car ride, or a walk with him. for some reason that always takes wyatt's mind off of whatever is pissing him off and he falls asleep.

    i'm glad you posted this! i was starting to think that henry was a super human or something. now i know he's a real baby!

  4. Hey Jess! I would usually take him for a car ride or a walk but G took the car and it's like 100 + degrees outside :( It's so strange that babies like both of those things so much though! Oh, Henry is most definitely a real baby...I was really feeling it this morning!

    Grrr. Oh well, at least he finally fell asleep.

  5. I know it's pretty crazy, but we're getting excited. I LOVE your blog! I stumbled upon it on the top baby blogs site and I must say, little Henry is such a stud!

  6. Oh I know those days well too! Thank you so much for being so honest- sometimes it seems like everyone else has the perfect life/baby and I'm the only one with a little stinker!

  7. Girl, I feel you. Some days are just--crappy. But the best thing to remember with babies (and I would even venture to day kids) is that it's all just a "faze". The grumpy, fit throwing, ball of hate that you used to call your son will only be around for a little while and then a bubbling love ball who loves you and is totally chill will just appear out of nowhere (I'm sorry to say he's a faze too) Good luck, you're a great mom♥♥

  8. Oh Christy, you are definitely not the only one with a fussy guy. Maybe Jackson and Henry have been plotting against us via webcam while we sleep...?

    Paige: Thanks for the compliment. :: sigh :: At least the good outweighs the bad/stressful. Where's that bubbling ball of love at? I wanna hold that Henry!

  9. =/ In the words of a clever little boy that I know... this is "poopy socks!" I hope everything settles down for you soon. I vote for getting out of the house and going for a walk or a mini picnic with just you and your baby.

  10. My son Cohen will not nap unless hes fed on the nursing pillow with a bottle or boob, in the stroller or in the car. I've tried letting him cry but it doesnt seem to work. You're a great mum! Keep up the work, you'll get a break soon!!

  11. Bri: "Poopy socks" is too cute! I can't wait until it cools down outside, I have a feeling H is going to be going on a lot of walks once it does!

    mumma.cheeks: The whole "cry it out" thing doesn't work for H either. He's too stubborn and i'm too much of a softy. Thanks for the encouragement!

  12. Just throwing this out from a mom of triplets..with his hand in his mouth.. could he be starting teething? That will throw sleep off for certain.


  13. hey jo! i keep thinking he's teething too, he's shown almost all of the signs. when i feel his gums though they still soft. could it be the early stages of teething?

  14. oh my word do i feel you, my daughter lila is in a phase like this and sometimes i feel like i might loose my mind! it is getting better though! i have to remind myself as you do that this too shall past! good luck to you :)

  15. Sorry to hear you're sleep deprived, I hope it passes. Hang in there!

  16. oh i know how you feel! just when you think you've got this whole baby thing sorted they decide to mix it up a bit!
    don't feel bad for letting him cry, there have been plenty of days where i've let milo scream in his cot while i sit crying on the phone to my husband in the kitchen! we all have days like that i think.
    maybe it's teeth or a growth spurt or just one of those mysterious baby things.
    hopefully henry will be back to his usual happy self tomorrow, in the meantime make sure you get some time to yourself tonight when your husband gets home! xx

  17. Hey Ya Allie! Have you tried dropping him in a bath for a lil while? Seem to always get lil G on the right track...even mid day!

  18. Thanks Krissi! Hopefully Lila and H get over this soon!

    Sarah: He's only not sleeping now because I let myself get used to when he was sleeping 7-9 hours straight, little stinker!

    ELL: He is already doing much better, although a bit fussier than usual. I wish I could tell explain to him that if he'd just sleep things would be so much better for both of us!

  19. Kirby: I didn't even think about putting him in the bath! He loves the water so I bet that would work. Thanks!

  20. It will get easier :) Felix is now 21months & we still have those crazy days where i want to pull my hair out....but, having said that, those days are ALOT fewer than they used to be :)

  21. thanks felix and lily! sounds like i have just a few more months to go then, ha! you two are so adorable and i love the name Felix!

    Do you have an etsy shop yet?

  22. yep, those days happen. and they suck ass. remember, you're doing great!! xoxo

  23. Sigh...thanks Jamie. I know you've had yours with Jude too. Reading about them always makes me feel a little bit better (although I know how much they suck!)
