Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Zoom! Zoom! Zoom! We're going to the moon!


  1. He is just hte cutest. I love the picture below too! It's like your in minnesota! The other day it hailed so much that it looked like it was snowing! Which wouldn't surprise me! It has snowed well into may before!

  2. Okay Allie, here's the deal; I want to marry your son. I would of course, willingly wait eighteen-ish years. How do you feel about him having an older lady in his life? Please get back to me asap. This is a very serious question.
    Respectfully yours,

  3. Thanks Dori and Brittany! I think we had snow around May when we were living in Chicago a few years back...crazy!

    @ Paige: An arranged marriage? I'm liking the sound of this. You can make sure that H doesn't discover video games during the last of his teen years. Your friend Candi can make the cake. It's perfect!

  4. Oh my goodness, I am so glad you see it through the same eyes as I do. He will stay far away from video games and the cake will be just lovely. You could be the mother of the groom doubling as the maid of honor. It sounds just charming.

  5. I'll start on the invitations and a tacky slide-show (to the song "Forever Young")!!

  6. I love this picture!

    How did you take it when you were holding Henry with both ahnds...who took it?

    Love you!


  7. Karli, I thought exactly the same thing!!

  8. I was thinking that too, haha, this isn't the first photo I've seen like this.

  9. Oh and I thought I was being so original...haha. I placed the camera on an automatic setting and put it on my chest. It took a lot of balancing, especially considering that my boobs are like actual REAL boobs now that I'm nursing ;)

  10. self-timer is a beautiful thing, isn't it!? because pictures like these are SO presh!
