Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Igloo

three months 089 by you.

This week our theme at work is, "Where I live". We've been memorizing our addresses and phone numbers, building shape houses, pinpointing Savannah on a variety of maps, and learning all about different types of housing around the world. Since it has been so hot here lately I thought it would be fun to have an ice day and learn all about igloos!

Today we painted igloos using the ends of blocks as squared stamps, played with ice cubes, and then built our very own white sheet igloo! The kids thought it was great silly fun dressing in winter outfits and pretending we were hiding from a snow storm. Henry was totally into the bright white light illuminating the sheets and watched with wide eyes as the kids belly-laughed and crawled in and out of the igloo like sugar-hyped polar bears.


three months 093 by you.


  1. awww, look at those little mittens! and that HAT! i think i'm in love.

  2. um, i just about died over the last picture.

  3. Just found your blog...

    LOVE. IT.

    Our third baby was born the day after Baby H. I love reading about other babies growing up along our little Campbell!

    I have also been intimate with C-Sections as well as inductions and VBACS (all of my kiddos went two weeks overdue!) I loved your birth story. Congratulations! :)
