Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sleep Pretty Darling, Do Not Cry....

three months 017 by you.

Tonight as I type this, I'm listening to the first real thunderstorm we've had since H's birth. The wind is rustling the trees outside our window and a large amount of rain just started pounding the roof. The thunder woke Henry up, I could hear him squirming inside his bassinet every time the sky would rumble. I pulled him into our bed and with a little nudge into my neck and a sigh, he immediately fell back asleep.

I love listening to the rain and watching my boys sleep peacefully in our dimly lit room. With Henry snuggled safely on my chest and G sleeping soundly beside me I am so grateful for this family of mine. There's no feeling that compares to this.

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  1. Thanks Dori :) This thunderstorm is crazy, I'm loving it! (And happy that it isn't hurricane season yet...)

  2. Oh so sweet you always make me tear up. You have what many people spend their whole lives looking for, Allie.

  3. Aww.. nothing is more precious than watching your baby sleep.

    I'm happy for you too!

  4. I feel very, very fortunate. Thank you all for such sweet comments. You guys make me happy too!

  5. I feel very, very fortunate. Thank you all for such sweet comments. You guys make me happy too!

  6. you know, i always feel the most like a "real" mama when just my presence comforts poppy. it's an amazing feeling! so powerful & lovely the bond with your child is, and it's a beautiful thing when you know for certain in that moment, they needed and wanted only you.

    love this! you are so beautiful and i love reading about your little family. xoxoxo!
