Saturday, May 15, 2010

Henry's Raspberries

megan's visit May 10 089 by you.

Last week Henry discovered how to blow raspberries! He makes the most hilarious faces as he tries so hard to make his new favorite sound. His eyes get so huge and shifty and he pulls his chin back, really making those neck rolls pop! This new favorite activity of H's makes for some pretty loud dinner dates and a slobbery chin that attracts lint and hair and dirt from all over. Just look at my little fatty trying so hard to spit all over his dad's arm. That's a face of pure concentration and determination. This picture cracks me up...

megan's visit May 10 087 by you.

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  1. love the face.
    you're blog is delightful!


  2. That's so adorable! What a cutie!

  3. SO SWEET! Thant face in the video too, so determined!

  4. Ooo! I remember that stage in both my other kiddos...

    SO looking forward to the moment when Campbell figures out out! :)

  5. this is so cute!!!! Hendrix has the same used to be his fav.

  6. Hahahh!!! I remember when Asia discovered this new lovely skill!! So much entertainment!

    I love it!

  7. Cute! :-)
    Just need to add, we´re not only born the same day but I come from the towm of Henry the Lion :-)
    Bet he was good at blowing raspberries, too!

    Loved the movie "Elmo in Grouchland"... just talking of raspberries :-)

  8. H is so cute! By the way, I got the PaciPlushie yesterday. I absolutely love it! Thanks!

  9. Yes!!! Lovie discovered raspberries last weekend, too! fun times - particularly when feeding her solids! :)

  10. yay henry yay! love the video - what a treat! more, please! he freaking ROCKS, lady. getting so big and even more beautiful! he's going to be a silly, happy boy, i just know it. love this!

