Friday, May 14, 2010

Shoes For Little E

megan's visit May 10 172 by you.

I've very recently stumbled upon many new readers. I feel so lucky to have met so many amazing people through this silly little blog of mine, every comment you all leave me makes me happier than you could ever imagine. I love, love, loved all of your encouragement and tips on my breastfeeding in public post and spend so much time grinning stupidly over all of the sweet comments you leave Baby H.

Paige is a reader very, very special to me. I can't say enough good things about this adorable girl. She's so awesome and sweet and writes the most stunning pieces over at her blog Prone to Wonder (GO!) Her friends are expecting their first baby, a little girl named Evangeline Grace. For little E (and Paige!) I sewed a new pair of felt booties. I'm pretty excited with how these turned out!

megan's visit May 10 170 by you.

megan's visit May 10 171 by you.

The fact that these are the best shoes I've made so far shows just how much H is growing up. He can entertain himself for longer amounts of time and actually let's me get some things done in the afternoon. Thanks baby!

Paige, I just love you. I'll get these mailed next Wednesday. Thanks for being such an awesome friend.


  1. they turned out fabulous! i used the same pattern one time and mine weren't nearly as adorable. you rock!

  2. stop it! you made those?!??! very impressive!! and super cute!

  3. ADORABLE. What a great friend you are! On my way to check out Paige's blog!

  4. I met Paige (over blog) a week ago and I already think she is the sweetest person ever!

    Owl shoes!!!! I Love them!!! :)

  5. Oh my gosh those are so cute! You are so sweet to do that for her! I'm impressed with the detail too! I never even thought to make shoes out of felt. Very creative! I'm heading over to her blog now!

  6. Oh.



    Those are TOO cute. What a great friend you are! :)

  7. OH Allie. I cried a little when I read this post. You are so special to me and your little H just makes me want to squeeze him with every picture you post. These shoes turned out BEAUTIFUL! I know they will look darling on Evie and her momma will adore them. You mean so much to me, thank you a million times. LOVE!

  8. oh if i were only half as talented on the sewing machine...those are cute, cute, cute! oh, and why do little girls get all the cute stuff!?! i better have one the next time around...:)

  9. Thank you! I love them. They're perfect.

  10. Please tell me that you are opening an etsy shop soon?!?! You are too good. Love these babies (the shoes... although I love babies too!!).
