Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Ice Cream Date

megan's visit May 10 028 by you.
"That's a h-h-h-huuuge cone mom!"

While my sister was visiting, we took Henry on his very first ice cream date! Henry has been incredibly interested in the foods we eat lately, he's always carefully following my meals as they travel from plate to mouth. I think the size of the cones blew his mind.

megan's visit May 10 029 by you.

megan's visit May 10 032 by you.
"Hey Megan, do ya think you could you move that just a *little* closer to mah face...?"


  1. hehehe he seems so in awe! i love his facial expressions :)

  2. gosh i could just *scoop* ;) him up and nom on him and those awesome expressions!

  3. you guys are too cute!! can never get enough ice cream that's for sure!

  4. I found you through Unexpected Surprises and I'm so glad I did!! Love the adorable pictures. Henry is so precious! It makes me want one. :-)

  5. Hey found you through my bloggy friend, Paige! You have a really cute blog! You're son is adorable, I love that picture of him staring all wide-eyed at your ice cream cone! Haha. So cute. I have a 10 month old so it's fun to see other mommy blogs here :D


  6. Oh---I just had to tell you, I just realized your little man is wearing an owl onesie! So amazing!

    That is the cutest thing I've ever seen!

  7. That first picture is hilarious! such a cutie
