Sunday, May 23, 2010

Our Button

Look! Look! Check out our new button! It's brand spankin new and I'm totally stoked on it. Feel free to take it for your site, you can find it in the right side column!

Special thanks to our friend Paige from Prone to Wander. She helped me resize the image and generate the code!


  1. oh its so super cute! i only put mine up recently because i finally figured out how to after a long time of trying to figure it out!

  2. Ahh we are the coolest blog friends ever! Oh we really, really, are. Love.
    And let me tell you again how mush I love this button! It is adorable, Allie. I tell my roommate every time I'm on your page "this baby is seriously the cutest kid ever. I don't even understand!"

  3. i'm putting it on my site right now!

  4. Thanks guys!

    Jess, I'm so excited!Thanks!

    Paige, coolest blog friends ever I agree! You always have the kindest things to say.

    Jill, figuring that out is a bit frustrating isn't it. I was lucky to have Paige's help!

  5. very cute! I have added it to my blog.

  6. yay!!!!! finally my one mommy friend has a button!

  7. Because you and Paige said I should. Hahaha!
