Friday, May 21, 2010

Dear Henry

mostly vids 014 by you.

Dear Henry,

Last week you really figured out how to use those (chubby!) little hands of yours. You can now reach out towards anything we place in front of you and immediately place everything into that always-drooly mouth I love so much.

At first you'd shakily move your hands up to my breast and hold it like a bear slurping honey out of a pot (your dad called this the "Big Gulp" :) When you gained even more control you started moving your hands up to my face and ever since this is where they naturally stray while you're nursing or listening to books or flirting with me.

They say one of the ways babies learn is by touch. I love to think that you are memorizing my face with those fingers as you touch my nose, and then my lips, and then my eyes. Don't waste too much time studying though, I'm going to be here forever!



  1. You made me cry again, Allie. Still am, thanks a lot.

  2. You know a funny story this makes me think of? My niece used to be real bad about sleeping in a crib so often I'd rock her until she's sleep in my arms and at a certain point she started doing this thing where she would fuss and fuss and fuss and definitely not sleep unless she could her her arm stretched up and her hand resting my my mouth. The weirdest thing!

  3. I soooo love the picture!You two are so beautiful.

  4. Thanks so much JL!

    Paige, isn't it so great when you've figured out what a baby needs to be comforted? It's like this special little secret that just the two of you share. One of my favorite things ever :)

  5. I did love it, honestly. It was so sweet and she was so little then but I don't tell most people that because...well, most people frown on letting babies sleep with their hand in your mouth. I'd always wipe it after she fell asleep! hahah

  6. So it was reeeealy a secret! Haha! So cute, I can just picture it. Did you ever fall asleep like that? :)

  7. Maybe once or twice, shh! I feel so horrible and disgusting about it just talking about it but c'mon, it was cute. See, now you know I trust ya. haha, She has been the most wild ride.

  8. Oh, I think it's cuuute! I'm sure much worse things have made it to her mouth! She's so lucky to have you :)

  9. OH MY GOSH! You know what she did last week? She was naked after a bath and I was just letting her run around for a minute and she took her binky out of her mouth SWIPES IT BETWEEN HER BUTT CHEEKS and put it back in her mouth before I could stop her (despite my screams) she thought it was hilarious too. I almost threw up.

  10. Ahhahahahaha! See! Way worse than your hands! Too funny :)

  11. i knew exactly what you were talking about when i read this! wyatt loves to hold on to my bottom lip while he nurses. it's so cute and i just let him.
