Sunday, May 2, 2010

Marr Family Farm

Two weeks ago our good friends moved back to Oregon. I'll save how sad this was to the both of us for an entirely new post, because I need that much space to describe my feelings. When Neil and Larissa left, they gave us all of their plants as well as the wood and soil for a large garden bed. G screwed it all together this evening and while Henry napped we planted veggies, flowers, and herbs! I am especially excited about the tiny eggplant we placed in the corner of our box. Grow little eggplant, grow!

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  1. That is so adorable. I hope you grow amazing things!

  2. ADORABLE garden. I especially like the sign. And Garrison's super serious face. Oh, and you and the baby are pretty cute too. ;)

  3. Thanks guys! Hopefully I won't mess this one up...I love gardening but have a hard time keeping plants alive. Fingers crossed!

  4. I love that! Such a cute sign.

  5. This will be prefect for when Henry starts to eat solids!! Good Luck!

  6. Such a neat idea. I however do not have a green thumb at all...the plants at Lowe's even sag when I walk by! Haha! Hope your garden's a success!

  7. no way!
    we too planted a garden yesterday while the babe napped. annddddd, i planned to blog today with a picture of, you guessed it 'brink family farm'
    Hah! great minds think alike! ;)

    thanks for thinking my blog kicks ass...I'm flattered :)
    i love yours as well!!

  8. Thanks Jessica! We had so much fun painting the sign :)

    Ailen, unfortunately we'll probably be out of this house by the time H eats solids...we live in a really bad neighborhood and are looking to move as soon as our lease is up. Hopefully we can find a new house with a yard and start over again. I want H to eat home grown veggies/fruits!

    Shannon: I am the same way. These poor veggies better grow or I'm going to be real sad that I killed more plants!

    Yana: Hilarious! I can't wait to see your Brink Family Farm post :)

    You guys are the coolest.

  10. Thanks Paige! We had so much fun (even though it was 95 degrees outside and really muggy). How hot is Arizona this time of year?

  11. Actually, about the same! Scary!

  12. Oh hahaha, it does look like he's in pink. What a little bro! It's actually an orange and white striped onesie...but now i kinda like pink better :)

  13. omg, i LOVE IT! you have such an adorable family, btw. oh and we will have veggies around the same time probably! HOW COOL!
