Monday, May 3, 2010

Mar & the Peej.

I'm still pretty new to this whole blogging thing and it feels like every day I learn something new. Today's realization? When somebody features you on their blog, it's a pretty nice gesture to provide your readers with a link to their site. I know, I know...common sense, right? I get it!

And now, with that being said, please pretend that you've time warped back two weeks. The date is actually April 23rd and you've just gained two extra weeks to accomplish everything on your to-do list (you're welcome!)

Please go and check out Marcella and her adorable daughter Pella at Mar & the Peej. Her blog is just as beautiful as her and her'll really love it. Even if she hadn't been so awesome and featured me in her weekly "Boss Lady" post (which you can find here), I'd still tell you to hop over to her blog.

Also, yesterday we received a bunch of clothes I had won through a giveaway she was hosting. The quality and quantity completely blew me away, Marcella you totally outdid yourself! Thanks for making our day so awesome :)

(You can also check out Marcella's baby boutique here)

Thanks Marcella, you're the best!


  1. Hahha, I love the sense of humor you had in this post! You're so stinkin' cute!

  2. Thanks Paige! Every so often a little bit of my personality shows up in my posts...but most of the time I'm not too good at it (which is funny considering I am an english major!

  3. What were your hopes with majoring in english? Just because you liked it or did you want to make a career of it?

  4. Ha ha, honestly? It was the easiest major and I had to pick quickly. I originally wanted to do elementary education but the program was really expensive and took five years to complete. If I could do it over again I'd take college way more seriously and major in something that's actually legit. Whoops!

    Hopefully this fall I'll be going to get my master's in teaching and then I can pair it with my english degree so that it won't be soooo useless....

  5. You. Are. Awesome. I'm so happy with the honesty of what you just said. I have wanted to be an English major just because...well, I love English! But I really don't know what the hell you do with an English major in the counseling world. For me, it is a way of counseling but not for everyone, thus--an unnecessary major. hahah

  6. Yeah, it's a pretty useless degree, Garrison teases me about it all the time. :) You could always just minor in english...

  7. Love the punctuation in that sentence? See what I mean?!

  8. Hahah, what a brat. Yeah, I've thought about that...I still don't need to though.

  9. I am a religious punctuater. And I'm weird about my capitalization, I really only let my guard down when sleep deprived or texting (because I am HORRIBLE at texting) I am such a nerd sometimes...

  10. (It's also really hard for me not to correct others when they do things like "alot" or incorrect usage of
    god vs God

    It's a sickness.

  11. Okay, I'm sending you a link on FB. It's so funny :)
