Monday, April 5, 2010

We're Back!!

I am SO proud to say that Easter/miniature road trip was a success!! It was so much fun introducing Henry to his dad's side of the family and (of course) they all loved him. My absolute favorite was watching Henry's great grandpa hold him for the first time. He honestly couldn't stop smiling at his great grandson and Henry nestled comfortably right into the crook of his long arm. Henry slept at night better than he has in a long time and handled the car ride pretty well too! Oh my goodness there is SO, so much to write about that I'll spare you all my long winded stories and tell it in pictures instead.

The car ride started off like this...
And about half way in, started going something like this...

Luckily there was a rest stop nearby and we were able to pull over for a break. I can add "Rest stop parking lot" to my list of places I've breastfed Henry now! Is this one a little classier than "WalMart parking lot?"....probably not. Quick diaper change in the car and then we were ready for the second half of our trip: Easter Sunday, Henry got all dressed up in a one piece suit he was given as a gift from our neighbor. Watch out ladies! This little guy is one (hilariously) hot stud: Henry met his great aunt Lisa for the first time: And snuggled with his great grandpa Walt in the morning:

We finally had someone around to take a picture of all three of us! I look at this and think, "WOW, we have a baby?!":
Henry loved his great uncle Pat and gave him more smiles and conversation than anyone:
We can't wait to head down to Florida again. Next time we're there, Henry will be even bigger which is hard to believe! We are so lucky to have some family living so close, it makes the holidays a little less lonely....

Thanks for your votes while we were away!!

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  1. Oh wow! You all looked beautiful! These are such sweet pictures!

  2. Thanks Paige!! We had so much fun showing Henry off and he was just giving away smiles all weekend, which just melted everyone's hearts!
