Friday, April 2, 2010

Happy Easter!

Henry's first Easter. Henry's first Easter. Henry's first Easter...WOW! This is really his first holiday too (we're not counting Valentine's Day or St. Patty's Day). I can already sense that holidays are going to be much more exciting with a baby to dress up and tote around.

We're headed down to Florida tomorrow morning to be with family. I am so excited for Henry to meet his great grandpa, great aunt, and second cousins! I am curious to see how he will handle the four hour car ride and how he'll take to sleeping in an unfamiliar place. Keep your fingers crossed for us!

Christmas 2009 in Florida, I was 37 weeks pregnant here!

Look at my adorable little sister in her new Easter dress that she picked out at Macy's. Is there seriously anything cuter? Nope. You know your baby sis is growing up when she asks your mom to take her shopping for a special outfit and then on her own has to PICK OUT SHOES TO MATCH THE DRESS. I think the dress she found is super cute, does it come in my size Karli?

When I return, It's a Wonderful Life will (hopefully) be hosting our very first review/GIVEAWAY! Be sure to check back often for updates and information on how to enter as well.

Please don't forget to vote for us when we're gone! You can click any of the brown bars at the bottom of a post, or the brown button to the right.

We wish you all a wonderful Easter weekend. See you on Monday!


  1. I agree with you Allie! nothing cuter!

    Love you guys!


    PS hope everyone has an AWESOME easter!

  2. Karli is so cute! I love her haircut :)

  3. I will be sure to tell her that, it will make her day! She just recently got it cut and was so proud :)
