Friday, April 9, 2010

This Made Me Smile Today.

Melissa of the Dear Baby blog, posted this video yesterday. Seriously so hilarious, so I'm re-blogging it to share with all of you.

(Although, I must say I don't think I'd encourage my little girl to say things like, "Shut up old man" or "I'll break you..." Just to make a hilarious YouTube video. Yikes!)

Also, I added a few new pages to It's a Wonderful Life. They are links to pictures of our wedding as well as pregnant pictures of me and more (MORE?!) pictures of Henry! You can find them under the "It's a Wonderful Life" border at the top of the page. :)


  1. Fun fact of the day, your sweet wedding pictures make me cry. I have been considering adding pages to my blog for a while now.

  2. Thanks! You should add some! What would you post?

  3. I have been thinking about using them as links to favorite blogs, favorite charities and other places to find me.

  4. But I can't figure out how to work it!

  5. Ooooh, those are great ideas! Go to "Posting" under editing and there should be a tab that says "Edit pages". There you can create new pages to list either on the side column or up above like I have done...hope that helps!

  6. Oh you are genius! Thank you so much, your button is going up first ;)

  7. Maybe not since your button is gone...?

  8. Hey, thanks! I never had a button...I think Dori just downsized my border picture. Not sure how that works as far...

  9. Hahaha this is awesome!

    And yeah, I did just use the banner above. :)

  10. I ended up doing the same dori:)
