Thursday, April 8, 2010

Things I Think About at Three in the Morning...

Do babies ever get itchy? Can you even imagine how awful it would be if you were unable to scratch your itch?


  1. I think about that all the time! And I also wonder if they don't because maybe itches are psychological? I say this because I've have multiple experiences where I have been numbed in some part of my body and will still itch there even though I can't feel anything else. But of course, because the nerves are temporarily frozen, I can't feel myself satisfying the itch. So why could I feel an itch in the first place if not invented by my brain. I think itches are all in the head.

  2. That's crazy! I wonder when we start feeling itches??

  3. Just a theory. But Yeah, we should look that up.

  4. I just read something that said babies only know if they are uncomfortable, but as they get older they eventually make the connection between scratching and an itchy feeling...then they know what an itch is. Hmmm...

  5. That's really interesting!
    Haha, I am going to be a horrible mom, "nah, babies don't itch!" haha

  6. BUT! I found that answer on some Googled site, so who even knows how true that really is...:)

  7. Good point...but it sounds about right. haha

  8. i have wondered this too!

    great. now i feel itchy.

  9. Hey Jess! And what about when they get bug bites? Makes me cringe just thinking about it...poor babies!
