Monday, April 12, 2010

Sharing My Favorites

13 weeks 012 by you.

Henry has really started enjoying his picture books lately! We've been reading to him since the day he was born, although at first he only liked story time for the cuddling and the soothing sound of our voices. Tonight as I snuggled him on my chest, we read The Very Hungry Caterpillar and he stared at the bright colors and slobbered on his fingers (also a new thing). It's so wonderful watching his eyes widen as I turn a new page. I could literally read to this kid for hours and hours and hours.

In celebration of Henry's newest discovery, I am going to start a new weekly post here at It's a Wonderful Life. We'll call it "Books We Love" and start it off with the (appropriately titled) book, Henry in Love by Peter McCarty.

This book was sent to Henry by an old friend of mine (hey Marc!) and we immediately fell in love with the cute story and beautiful illustrations.

The story: Henry the cat has a cute little crush on Chloe the rabbit. He spends the majority of the school day trying to catch her attention. In the end, Henry's teacher has rearranged the chairs and he gets to sit next to Chloe for snack. When she asks him what he brought, he offers up his only blueberry muffin and she accepts it. Go Henry!

We Think: Henry in Love is definitely going to be one of the most well worn books in our collection.

Here's a "browse inside" box so you can check it out for yourself!! Isn't his artwork just the sweetest?

image source.


  1. that book will be really great when you're teaching him to share. lucky for you he's the star.

  2. AND when we're teaching him to crush on pretty girls! ;)

  3. A. I love that your sons name is Henry. How stinkin cute!

    B. I love that you read to him. I read to Aidyn from the time he was born, and before he turned 3 he already knew ALL of his letter! Not just the alphabet, he can recognize all his letters! My four year old students couldnt do that! Readying is so important! The sooner you start working with kids the better! They are sponges!

    You are such GREAT parents! ILYour blog!

  4. You are so sweet, Brittany! Thank you so much :)

    I keep forgetting that you are a preschool teacher...that's awesome! I'm (hopefully) going to grad school in the fall to get my early childhood degree. I can't wait to have my own group of's my favorite age.

    I love your blog as well, can't get enough of Aidyn. What a smart boy you have! You are a great mom, he is so lucky!

  5. This is so cute! That's awesome how receptive he is so young too! Also when he's a little bit older - because the pictures aren't as fun - Ferdinand the bull is in like my top 5 favorite kids' books. Love the post.

  6. I Googled the book and realized that I have totally seen those pictures before, but never read the book! I'll have to get it at the library and read it with the kids I work with! Thanks Paige!

  7. What do you do for a living btw? I've been meaning to ask.

  8. I'm a nanny. I watch two kids ages 1 and (almost) three...Do you work?

  9. aw, cool! that's one we don't have. i also like "guess how much i love you". you know i'm not into that sappy stuff but it's just damned cute.

  10. Oh that's great!
    No I'm not working right now, I was hired on as a nanny last year by a family that ended up only needing me for a few months. Which, was actually a huge blessing because they had three kids and were very wealthy so it was like having 3 only children to deal with--I hated it. Maybe esp because I just never had money growing up--nor do I really now--and so I was never taught to tolerate that kind of behavior. It was a real challenge for me although some days were better than others. They liked it when we would do environment crafts.

  11. - I love "Guess How Much I Love You" too! Not a big fan of the sappy ones either, but this one gets me pretty good. AND "The Giving Tree"...

    - Glad everything worked out, Paige! I really lucked out with this family here, found them randomly and couldn't be happier. Plus, I get to take H to work with me everyday and I feel really great about that!

  12. Oh the giving tree makes me cry EVERY time!
    Yeah I saw that you could take him which is why I had been meaning to ask. How great to have him with you all the time! You're very lucky!
