Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Baby Pirate

13 weeks 005 by you.
This week at work, our theme is "Clues and Adventures". We've been practicing giving and following clues, creating imaginary expeditions, learning how to read maps, and using our five senses to find "buried treasure".

Today was Pirate Day. The day the couch turned into a tall ship, the love seat was covered in pretty mermaids, and the bedroom became a dark and spooky cave.

The tiniest little pirate took it all in from the Baby Bjorn and even slept during a most terrifying rain storm that almost sunk our ship! F says, "Awwww. Your baby pirate is sooooo cute."


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  1. Hahahaha! That is so cute and awesome! You inspire me to do more fun things with the kids I watch.

  2. AH, thanks!! You guys are very, very sweet.

  3. And pretty soon you'll get to see them in person!! I'm getting so excited!

  4. A cute baby pirate! Argh! Such a fun adventure for a kid to become a pirate for the day.

  5. Thanks Tammara! It was a lot of fun, especially for the other children too!
