Monday, March 29, 2010

Dear Henry

Dear Henry,

I am so sorry I got you sick. I hate that you are in so much pain because your nose is so stuffy and there's nothing you can do to fix it. It is so frustrating knowing you are uncomfortable and not being able to make it all better. I'm mad that this horrible cold is making my baby all sweaty and squirmy as you try to find a comfortable way to rest on my chest. When you look up at me with tired and glossy eyes it makes me want to cry.

If I could, I'd rent you as many movies as you'd want and let you eat sorbet until your belly hurt. That always makes me feel better.

I promise the way you're feeling won't last forever, Little Bear.


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  1. Oh this is so sweet I almost cried!

  2. sick babies are the saddest thing ever!

  3. Get better, Henry!!
    A couple of drops of breast-milk down his nose will clear it up right away. Hope you guys feel better soon!

  4. Andrea, thank you for all of your lovely comments. I'll just respond to them through this message, Blogger makes me really search for where each new comment has been placed. Your blog makes me super happy, I'm always looking forward to new posts. I totally understand how busy you must be, I'm (hopefully) starting grad school in August and will probably be doing less blog checking then :( I hope you have fun in Poland, I look forward to pictures and stories!

    * I think I'll try the breast-milk in each nostril tonight. I've heard a lot of people talking about that as a cure but was a little unsure. Thanks!

  5. Hey I just thought I would chime in here for a second, you said "Blogger makes me really search for where each new comment has been placed." I had that problem along with not knowing when people had replied to my comments on their posts. I changed my settings so that I am notified via email when and where someone comments on my post and started clinking the "Follow-up comments will be sent" button when commenting. It has helped to keep me a lot more organized and better at replying.
    hope that helps:)

  6. Oh thanks Paige! Genius! I wish I had known about this sooner, it's always been so frustrating to me and I have almost switched blog sites because of it. You're the best!

  7. you must get this: Nosefrida Nasal Aspirator ...its a life saver and works wonders with runny noses!!!

  8. Can you use it on infants? This might be good because that gunk gets so thick I can hardly suction it out sometimes. Thanks for the tip!
