Monday, March 29, 2010

Blogs I Love

A few wonderful blogs I have really been enjoying lately.

Counting Coconuts : Montessori inspired learning activities
Dori the Giant : Dori is an adorable girl who posts cute art and awesome ideas
Silence and Noise : stories of a seriously adorable one year old boy
Don't Worry Baby (Everything Will Turn Out Alright) : Sara is expecting her first baby soon...! This one makes me miss being pregnant :( Plus, a Beach Boys reference? Oh yeah.
Some Things Are Just Perfect : wonderful pictures/videos and random thoughts posted by one of my favorite writers
Everybody Loves Baby : heartfelt stories, beautifully written

If you get the chance, you should check them out for yourself.
You can vote for the baby blogs too


  1. A blog I really like is
    Just kidding.
    The dori the giant one looks awesome and cute.

  2. thanks for the shout out!

  3. Hey! Found you via dori, love your blog, keep posting!

  4. Heey thanks for linking my blog, I appreciate it. :)

    I added yours to my blogs of fame if that's okay.

    P.S. Life really is wonderful.

    Love, Dori.

  5. Keagan and me IS a good blog! I want to meet the girl(s) who write it...

    paige...I left you a comment on your blog AND I'm publicly following you now, instead of secretly creeping :)

    Dori, I just saw that you added me to your blogs of fame and I reeeally appreciate it! Thanks!

  6. Thanks for the shout out! I also LOVE that onesie Henry is wearing. I just bought that SAME one for a pregnant friend -- they're going with an owl theme. TOO CUTE!

  7. Thanks Ailen! Our friends in Chicago picked up H's owl onesie for us. It is probably our favorite thing he owns. I'm going to be seriously sad when he doesn't fit into it anymore...:(

  8. Aw! Thank you so much for this!! I know I just told you this 5 minutes ago, but I heart your blog. It puts a smile on my face every time I read it and I am very glad we found each other! xxo
