Thursday, July 2, 2009

And Baby Makes Three.

So I can finally share the big news that I had mentioned earlier in my blog!!

I had my first Savannah doctor's appointment yesterday morning and our suspicions have been confirmed...Garrison and I are having a BABY!! I had known for some time, but was waiting until twelve weeks to let our friends know because if anything is to go wrong, it usually does within those first three months. I went into the doctor, pretty sure I was ten weeks pregnant and they placed me at eleven. During the ultrasound however, the doctor measured the fetus and said that I was actually already twelve weeks! What a relief!

Seeing the baby for the first time was a feeling that is always going to be hard to beat. It was like suddenly I realized that there is a little human wriggling around inside my belly. He/she was kicking and turning around in there and it practically made my heart melt. I was crying and my mom was teary eyed and my little sister was staring at me and the screen like, "What the heck?"

Our due date is January 12, 2010. I am so glad that we have so much time to get used to the idea because, while we are both super ecstatic...the whole thing is really rather scary.

Here is our little baby's first video!


  1. OH MY GOD!!!! Congratulations you two! That is so exciting! You are going to make great parents!

  2. Wow allie thats amazing! Now you have three in your family two girls and a boy of two boys and a girl! Hope you have lots of fun with your little baby! I could see Karli doing that! i would probaly do that to! Have lots of fun!


  3. EEEEEEE!! i just cried when i watched that video which is kinda weird seeing as we don't really know each other but kinda typical...well, typical of me.

    :) congratulations, little lady.

  4. oooooo.... Congratulations!!!! Thats so exciting. I bet your mom is thrilled!!!

  5. It's a wiggly one!!!!

    That is amazing!


  6. allie! yay! i'm so excited because you will be an amazing mom, and i bet gar will be an awesome dad. i will call you soon- i'm out of town now, and can't get to a phone.
    -amy g

  7. What an exciting, scary,new and wonderful time! You may think that you have a lot of time, but believe me, it will fly by!!!
