Friday, June 19, 2009

So Happy.

Just found out that I (finally) have a job. I will be nannying again, this time for a beautiful family twenty minutes away. I have been looking for and stressing out over finding a job for so long now and it just feels good to finally relax. I am actually very excited that this family found me and can't wait to get things started with them in July. Things are really looking up!

It's been incredibly hot here lately, today it is going to be 98 degrees with the heat index reaching 111. Luckily I can just stay in today and hopefully get my computer fixed (something I have been talking about doing for so long now).

G and I are both super excited that this week is over and we get a weekend together. My mom and sister Karli are flying in this Thursday so this weekend we'll most likely be cleaning and getting things ready for their twelve day stay with us. I'd like to go to the farmer's market downtown as well.

Happy Friday!

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