Thursday, December 13, 2012

Getting a Christmas Tree: Washington Style

 So show me family....

 And all the trees that we would neeeed....
.....I'm sorry for that.

I've hardly written here lately because I've been so busy enjoying this time with my family. Washington only happens once or twice a year and each time the days pass by so quickly that I find myself stressing out about the day we say goodbye once again. Being back in Washington brings out so many feelings inside me, many of which I haven't felt in years. It's such a beautiful state with endless possibilities for adventures and I find myself wanting to hike through the woods and run down the (cold and rocky) beaches. There's just something so special about this place. I mean, they still play Nirvana, Smashing Pumpkins, Radio Head, The Shins, and The Strokes on the radio for goodness sake. Who does that? Seattle does. Because it rules. 

It's so good to be home. 

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