Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Bomma Zoe and Poppy Come to Visit!

We were so lucky to recently spend a couple of days with Garrison's parents. It was fun showing them our town and our new home. Henry ate up every minute of it, he just totally loves having them around. He talked about them and the things we were all going to do together for the entire week leading up to their arrival. It's so awesome that he's at an age where he can remember people! While they were here we went to the flea market, swam in the pool (thanks to a more independent baby boy and an awesome husband I was actually able to go in the hot tub for the first time in years), ate at some of our favorite restaurants, watched the presidential debate to the tune of tequila, and walked around the neighborhood. It was really hard to say goodbye to them and we're already looking forward to spending more time together in December! 

Henry's real into pillow fights right now

Happy to be with his Bomma Zoe and Poppy

Happy to be


 At the hotel after a long night of swimming

 How many men does it take to buckle in a small child? 

More pillow fights...

Do you see it?! Bomma Zoe and Henry form a perfect heart!

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