Tuesday, November 27, 2012

You Get a Line and I'll Get a Pole...

Garrison bought Henry a miniature-sized fishing pole and we all headed to a nearby river. Henry had been talking a lot about fishing and how you have to use your pole to catch sharks from the water. Garrison thought it would be a good idea to show him what "fishing" is really like. We didn't catch any sharks or fish (shhhh, there was no bait on his hook!) but he had a blast anyway.

Fishing is something really special to me. I have the best memories of hanging out with my dad, eating red licorice and drinking soda while we watched our lines dance in the water as the sun set. We would come back smelling like fish bait and bug spray but it totally didn't matter because we had been having so much fun. I'm so happy that we can start these simple traditions with our Henry. I hope he looks back on it some day and has memories that are just as special as mine.

Play this song while you look at the pictures! Do it! It rules. 

Monday, November 26, 2012

Florida Thanksgiving!

Flat Stanley Goes to Florida!

Puzzles with Baby Abby

Just like daddy!

Aunt Lindsey gets all Kate Middleton

Henry collected every type of coupon book outside the Florida rest stop...

When my husband has my camera...

(There were 7 more of these, but I'll spare y'all)

Eating with Aunt Lindsey. Henry tried everything this year but like the cranberry sauce the most. He ate 15 cranberries! 

Thanksgiving whut uppp?!

We always have such a nice time in Florida. Thanks to our Florida family for a wonderful and fun Thanksgiving! We miss you all already :)

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Cue Christmas

I've been super excited about Christmas this year. Usually I don't start listening to Christmas music and allowing myself to indulge in thoughts about flying home to see family and friends so soon but I can't help it this time. I think it's because I'm excited to see Henry discover all of the things that made this time of year so magical to me when I was his age. Anyway, yeah I dressed my kid up in ridiculous winter gear and made him sing a Christmas song a whole week before Thanksgiving even happened. But I waited until two days after turkey day to post it. So at least there's that?

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

This Thanksgiving I am thankful for so many things. A lot has happened this year, most unexpected, but these things forced us to grow and taught us to be appreciative of the good we have. And we have so much! This year I am thankful that my sister Lindsey has been living with us. We're bonding even in the moments when we're unaware and I know that we will treasure these days for the rest of our lives. I am thankful for being so close to graduating with my teaching degree, a goal I have always dreamed of . I am thankful for Garrison who works so hard to support this family and still finds the time to take Henry on dates and watch movies with me. I am thankful for our sweet little home that doesn't bother my allergies (what up nerd?!). I am so thankful for family and new friends and this wild and spirited child of ours. 

I hope you all have a fun Thanksgiving. Watch the Macy's Day Parade for us, we'll be headed down to Florida to see family early in the morning!  

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Bomma Zoe and Poppy Come to Visit!

We were so lucky to recently spend a couple of days with Garrison's parents. It was fun showing them our town and our new home. Henry ate up every minute of it, he just totally loves having them around. He talked about them and the things we were all going to do together for the entire week leading up to their arrival. It's so awesome that he's at an age where he can remember people! While they were here we went to the flea market, swam in the pool (thanks to a more independent baby boy and an awesome husband I was actually able to go in the hot tub for the first time in years), ate at some of our favorite restaurants, watched the presidential debate to the tune of tequila, and walked around the neighborhood. It was really hard to say goodbye to them and we're already looking forward to spending more time together in December! 

Henry's real into pillow fights right now

Happy to be with his Bomma Zoe and Poppy

Happy to be


 At the hotel after a long night of swimming

 How many men does it take to buckle in a small child? 

More pillow fights...

Do you see it?! Bomma Zoe and Henry form a perfect heart!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Okay, Now it's Fall...

SO MANY PHOTOS! And this isn't even half of them. Sorry, but the fair is kind of a big deal in our family. Oh man, everything this season is so much fun with Henry! Two can indeed be quite terrible but it mostly just rules. This year Henry was big enough to go on some of the rides, say "funnel cake", and throw a basketball for a prize. The fair here is actually pretty lame but when your kid is totally into it, anything is fun!