Sunday, August 19, 2012

Garrison Rules.

Welp. I didn't do as well as I thought I would on my test yesterday morning. I'm trying not to beat myself up over it, I mean I definitely put the time in to studying and preparing. Who knows, maybe I did better than I think and I'll find out that I passed anyway. I have to wait a whole freaking month to find out though! This test basically qualifies me to teach in the state of Georgia and also is required for me to begin the student teaching semester of my graduate program. So I'm really really hoping that I passed. 

I came home pretty bummed yesterday but you know what? Garrison had cleaned the entire house while I was away. The whole house! He had made Henry "muffin pancakes" for breakfast and mini pizzas for lunch and taken him on a bike ride to the park. Basically, they had the best day ever. On top of cleaning, Garrison arranged a babysitter so that we could go out and unwind after my crappy day of testing. Have I mentioned that I love this husband of mine? Best one ever. 

In other news, my mom sent Henry these dragon shoes in the mail last week and he LOVES them. We love them too because it's hilarious to watch him try and walk in them, they're way too big and super clunky. Whenever we come back to the house, he actually takes off his sandals and changes into his dragon shoes. And when he wakes up in the morning he says, "I needa put my dragon shoes on!" Henry's also discovered face paint and he's pretty into it. The first time I showed it to him, he freaked out and refused to "have a kitty face". It wasn't until after I did it that he agreed to try. This is a really fun age!

And last week we were watching Nicki Minaj on some morning show and Henry said, "I like her red pajamas!" Call it like it is, Henry. HAHA! 

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