Saturday, June 2, 2012

Why Blogging Rules.

This blog saved my sanity as a new mom. Being a new mom is really freaking hard! And being a new mom in a new city with no friends is even harder. Of course, I could always turn to my mom and my mother in law during those stressful times, but really. sometimes a girl just needs girlfriends her age, you know? Writing about being so sleep deprived and frustrated and confused and then hearing from so many other moms who were going through the same exact thing was so comforting to me. And I'm realizing how much I needed each of your encouraging comments more and more as time goes by. I can't even count the number of awesome people I have met through this blog.

 I don't really know where I'm going with this post. I guess I just want to sincerely thank all of you who have been my friend since the beginning of this adventure. I don't know how I would have made it through those early days without all of you <3.


  1. That is one of the cutest pictures I have ever seen! And I agree--sharing those tough new mom moments with other moms who get it helps so much!

  2. Awww, I am grateful for blogs like yours Allie. I don't know very many young moms, and it can be hard to feel isolated or like an outsider because of that. but I feel so connected and content with my version of motherhood because of online mommy friends and favorite bloggers. Such a blessing :) thanks for sharing (and being one of the sweet ones who really cares about her readers!)

  3. Awww, I am grateful for blogs like yours Allie. I don't know very many young moms, and it can be hard to feel isolated or like an outsider because of that. but I feel so connected and content with my version of motherhood because of online mommy friends and favorite bloggers. Such a blessing :) thanks for sharing (and being one of the sweet ones who really cares about her readers!)

  4. Awww, I am grateful for blogs like yours Allie. I don't know very many young moms, and it can be hard to feel isolated or like an outsider because of that. but I feel so connected and content with my version of motherhood because of online mommy friends and favorite bloggers. Such a blessing :) thanks for sharing (and being one of the sweet ones who really cares about her readers!)
