Saturday, April 21, 2012

Makin it Rain

Omg, Henry has been so crazy lately! All that toddler stuff that people warn you about before your kid is even born? Totally true. Last week he was on our bed while I was getting his bath ready. He was using this stupid juice cup with a broken top that really, I should have thrown away already but it sort of works and we're cheap, so I've kept it around. Anyway, I knew he was jumping on our bed but I figured it was buying me some time so I let it go. When I went into our bedroom, this is what had happened:


SO MUCH JUICE! EVERYWHERE! Apparently he had been jumping and shaking his cup upside down the entire time. He thought it was the best thing ever as he bounced from puddle to puddle. He was laughing so hard that his eyes were filled with tears and all Garrison and I could do was try and act like we were disappointed while turning our backs every three seconds to hide our smiles.

His explanation when Garrison asked what had happened? "Juice falling down on bed, daddy!" (enter evil laughter).


  1. What a great post - just read it out loud to my husband and sister in law. So funny! Love it when they do something crazy but you can't help but laugh!

  2. What a great post - just read it out loud to my husband and sister in law. So funny! Love it when they do something crazy but you can't help but laugh!
