Wednesday, February 29, 2012

We're Moving! Again.


Testing out the new stoop

Wow, I know. We haven't even been in this house for a year and we're already packing boxes for a new place. Something in our current house is really bothering my allergies, I'm guessing it's mold related, and Garrison really hates the pine trees that sway inches away from our windows. I'm not excited about the actual packing but really looking forward to settling in our new place. We get the keys today, officially out of this house March 4th. Garrison will be able to have his own music room in our new house and there's plenty of space for Henry to do his toddler thang, inside and out. Wahoo!
But seriously, isn't packing the worst?!

Update: I just realized that the 4th is THIS SUNDAY. Freaking out now.

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