Thursday, January 5, 2012

Henry's First Snow




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A few days before we left Washington, we took Henry up to Mount Rainer so he could experience snow. We get snow occasionally in Savannah but it's the kind that's made from a machine and spit into a huge pile that quickly turns to mud. This kid needed the real stuff! He went crazy the entire time we were there, running all over and trying to throw snowballs which were really just the tiniest handfulls of powder. Halfway down the trail we made a small Frosty the "Po-nan" and he demanded we carry it the rest of the way back even though we didn't have gloves.

Having only known this warm southern heat, I get really nervous that H will be afraid of cold weather so it was awesome that he was all about it. He's so adventurous and usually up for anything! The entire time he was tromping through the snowy trails I kept thinking how amazing it is that we can do stuff like this with him now. Where has the time gone? I mean, this time last year he wasn't even walking and now he's going nuts all over a mountain? Crazy! Also crazy...the snowsuit he wore was mine when I was his age!

Thanks Marrs for such a great day, these memories are for sure some of my most favorite.

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