Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Almost Two Whaaaa?!




Ugh. Motherhood has got me feeling all sappy again. Henry is going to be two in nine days. TWO! Uh, that's like legit not baby anymore. That's total toddler. How did this happen?

Yesterday after my run, I went to pick him up from the childcare and they told me he was walking back from the playground. I turned the corner to see all eight kids walking behind the teacher, holding onto one of those ropes with handles. BIG KID. I couldn't believe he was actually doing it by himself! The amount of cute turned my heart to mush for the rest of the day.

I've been working on getting Henry's birthday party together, I think we're doing a duck theme. I figure the easiest way to pull off "ducks" is to go the rubber duckie route but it's hard because a theme like that could turn out extremely tacky. Like he's going to notice anyway, ha! Apparently this party is way more for me than it is for him!

Here are the party invites that I finished last week:


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