Sunday, January 22, 2012

Henry's Birthday!

Photo on 2012-01-18 at 21.56
11 pm cupcake bake

When I told G these were the prettiest cupcakes I've made, he said, "Yeah. They're so pinteresting".



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Henry had a great birthday. I know this because the entire day was his. Anything he wanted to do, we did. Anything he wanted to play, we played. Anything he wanted to eat, we ate. Life was good! The night before his big day, we blew up a ton of balloons and made a whole box of chocolate cupcakes. We dumped the balloons in his room while he slept so he'd wake up surprised and probably a bit confused. On the baby monitor I heard him say, "Mama! Dada! BALLOONS!" Garrison had to leave for work pretty early so we lit up a few candles on the top of the biggest cupcake ever and let him eat a huge amount of junk at 7:30 am. He was really into blowing out the candles this year and wanted us to relight them a few more times before he ate the cake. The rest of the day we colored, went to the park, and opened presents that have been slowly trickling in from family in Washington. Because of the big snow they recently got, his presents are still arriving. Every day he gets to open something new and his party isn't until next weekend so he probably thinks his birthday is an entire month long celebration. All hail Prince Henry!

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