Tuesday, December 13, 2011

In Washington!

Little guy, big airport


Sleeping on the plane? Totally did not expect this to happen.

"Here's your applesauce pouch...DON'T SQUEEZE ITTTT!AHHH!nevermind!...."

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"Bomma" kisses. Biggest chalk ever.

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Cat strangling. Trouble making.

Carnival rides.

Auntie glasses

We're here! We're here! And we've been having so much fun. Henry was awesome on the plane ride over and even great during our layover in Charlotte. I was expecting the worst but honestly this was the easiest time traveling with him I have ever had! The key was bringing his stroller for the airports, a king sized bag of M&Ms, and chocolate Teddy Grahams. We're slowly adjusting to the three hour time difference, being lazzzzy, eating horribly, and making Henry do all of his tricks. It's 11:30 and I'm just now starting an episode of Breaking Bad and a huge bag of popcorn because guess what? I don't have to do anything tomorrow. I don't want December to end!

And Garrison, we miss you and love you and can't wait to see you soon!

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