Thursday, October 13, 2011

what we've been up to

eating "apples"

reading hop on pop 10x a day. shoot me.

chalk drawings

first acorn squash of the fall, baked with brown sugar and maple syrup

so. many. meltdowns.

windy, rainy pirate fest


tons of porch time

We've been busy doing not very much at all. Before having a baby, I didn't even know that was possible. But it is. Like, we have this routine that we have to stick to and it strictly consists of coloring, reading, lunch at noon to be paired with Sesame Street always, going to the park, playing on the front porch, coloring, reading, playdough, coloring, omgblahhhh you get it right? Somedays we'll mix it up and walk to the bakery three blocks down for a 38 cent cookie. Wahoo! I'm not complaining, I love staying home with Henry and it's helping me do really well in grad school. It's just weird how the days still fly by even though we're not really doing anything.

I've been MIA this week because I have so many big projects due. I actually spent three hours a day for the last week creating a week long lesson plan only to find out that I did it completely wrong. Awesome! Oh and then there's this email I got from my partner for a presentation due this monday. We haven't started it.

"Allie I am leaving to Colombia Tonight at 8.30pm I receive an Emigration letter telling me that they did not aprove my change of status on my visa from here. It is a process that I have to do in Colombia. Therefore I had to ask the profesors to do the Incomplete in my classes and next semester when I conme back I will take those classes again. However I will be taking the Curriculum class online. I am sorry girl about all those things, I was gonna let you know soon but thanks for contact me. I hope you are doing ok. I am sure you will do excelent, this situation is something that I could not control.

PS other big new I just Got Married today at 10;30am. I just wanted to share with you a little bit of my life.

Have a great week."


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