Friday, September 2, 2011

GIVEAWAY! Blog Design by Adeline's Daddy!

I'm really excited about this giveaway from one of my favorite bloggers, Don from Adeline's Daddy! If you haven't checked out his blog yet (he's also the brain child behind "Vloggin' Vednesdays") DO IT! His family is the sweetest and I love reading about his new adventures as a new dad and gushing over his gorgeous wife and cute little Addy! I'm not trying to gain new followers from this giveaway, just promoting Don's awesome talent for blog design so enterenterenter and let him make your blog look sharp!



Hello, this is Don from Adeline's Daddy Blog! I've been contacted a lot recently about my blog design service and questions about the process. I know that not everyone has the cash or resources to get their blog design the way they want... So I'm offering a full blog redesign, and I'm doing it exclusively at one of my longest read, and favorite blogs, It's a Wonderful Life. Here are a couple of examples of some recently finished blog designs so you can see what's up for grabs...


(Full blog can be seen here!)


(Full blog can be seen here!)


(Full blog can be seen here!)

Just leave a comment below to be entered to win. You can enter a second time if you tweet "@addydaddyblog, I need some blog design help".

The winner will be announced Monday, September 19th! (Giveaway closes midnight of the 18th- eastern time).

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