Monday, July 25, 2011

My Child is Perfect.

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Henry was so good on our eight hour flight from Georgia to Washington! He sat on my lap the entire time and blew everybody around us baby kisses. He read his books quietly and even kept his feet/hands in one place. He ate all of his snacks, wiped his face and tray when he was finished and then asked the flight attendant if they recycled their bottles and soda cans. I watched a movie and sipped a mini bottle of Sutterhome and watched the clouds outside my reclined seat.


Our flight was was a nightmare. Horrible, horrible, horrible like I'm still recovering from it horrible. Henry napped for two hours and I was like, "Oh this is going to be easy!" Then he woke up and only wanted to throw things, scream, and hit me. He wanted to get down and every time I told him he couldn't he would hit me in the face. You guys? He bit me! What the heck! Even our layover was hard. He wanted to sprint the entire airport hallway which is awesome but really hard to do when you're carrying two bags and a suitcase. Drove me nuts, Houston I'm still sorry.

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You know those wall seats in the airport bathrooms? I've never been so happy to see one. I strapped him in and hid in the family bathroom for 15 minutes, just to get a break. I literally sat on the toilet and texted and I liked it. Babies change you, for realz.

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As hard as the trip was it was totally worth it because look at the love we are flying towards every time we come home:

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I'm glad I don't have to fly with Henry for another week. We're having a ton of fun staring at Henry, laughing at his tricks, eating good food, and catching up on lost time. It is good to be home.

While you're here, check out my friend Melissa's fun blog feature, "Let's Get Real". We're talking about what crazy stuff really goes once you're a parent . Click the box below, you'll love it!

Hi, Baby.

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