Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Big Kid Date

love 034 love 035

We had such a great time last night. Thanks to everyone for the anniversary wishes! Our friend Caila came over for a couple hours and watched Henry so Garrison and I could go to bike to a place that didn't even have highchairs or kid's menus. We ate a plate of french fries and drank fancy cocktails and talked about adult stuff. It's been SEVEN MONTHS since we've done something like that & that's really sad, because it was a lot of fun.

Henry had no problem staying with Caila, he loves her. It's hard to believe that we can easily leave Henry and he handles our absence like a champ. Total turn around from the first time we left him with a sitter. Apparently he didn't even notice we had left! When we got home I asked him for a big kiss and instead got a big slap in the face with a "Noooooo!" Welcome home, right?

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