Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day!



I love you so much. So many of my childhood memories are picture-perfect because of you. Remember all of the times we went fishing at that windy hill? You taught me how to mold the bait into a ball and wrap it around the hook. You taught me the importance of a good bag of Red Vines and a soda and a good Mariner's baseball game. You introduced me to The Beatles, The Beach Boys, and The Hollies. Do you remember dancing to, "Do you Want to Dance" and singing into a hairbrush as an act in our show? You made us laugh until we were crying and our bellies hurt. These are the things childhood is made of and because of you I experienced them all. Thank you for being such a great dad, I love you so much!

15 months 008


I love watching you with Henry. You two are becoming the best of friends and sometimes I get jealous over the little inside jokes you share. You're a dad of many talents- you are the silly guy that Hen can count on for a crazy chase around the house but in the blink of an eye you can turn into a cuddly dad who loves to read Brown Bear, Brown Bear twenty billion times. Henry is so lucky. I am so lucky. I know things have been crazy with the move and I don't tell you often enough just how much I love you. I LOVE YOU! Thank you for giving me the family I've always dreamed of. Happy 2nd Father's Day!

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