Friday, June 10, 2011

Charleston, SC

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We took Henry to Charleston, SC. We took Henry? Well, really we took my aunt... but Henry of course tagged along. This was his first time in the city (my aunt's too) and he did really well considering the amount of art galleries loaded with glass that we visited. He even walked six blocks on his own. Choosing to walk over a shaded stroller ride? Boy, you crazy! Charleston is really pretty, incredibly touristy, and fun to explore.

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this picture reminds me of the abbey road album

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iced tea, the fuel behind that 6 block walk

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the cracker from my salad. omg that thing was huge!

For lunch we stopped by this diner that had good music and coldcold AC. I ordered a salad that had shrimp, pineapple, won-ton crackers, and peanuts with a Thai dressing. It was really good and perfect because Henry could eat bits and pieces off of my plate. Will I ever be able to eat an entire meal without 1/4 of it going to Henry?

Henry drank half of Aunt Gwen's iced tea. Black & unsweetened with a lemon. He'll chug that but won't touch anything I cook for him? I don't get it.

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history fact: it was because of baby spies that charleston survived the civil war

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