Thursday, May 19, 2011

Wildlife Center & Lessons in Patience.

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henry counts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 fits in half an hour!

I took Henry and the kids I nanny to the Wildlife Center last Tuesday. We've been outside a lot this week because I can already feel the humidity creeping up on us and I know that soon we'll be stuck in the house with the same plastic toys and a few boxes of crayons.

Henry wasn't into the animals as much as I thought he would be. In fact he spent most of the time screaming over not wanting to be in the stroller. You know the outings where you plan on taking a million pictures and then you realize it's easier to skip the photos and get the whole thing over with? Yeah. Still the older kids had a blast and as my mom says, it was a lesson in patience and handling public meltdowns for me.

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bad to the bone. don't let this cute look deceive you!

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does this picture make you nervous enough?

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i kept taking him out of his stroller so he could see the animals but when i'd put him back in he'd do this. exhausting!

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omg rooster!

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omg duck!

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first juice box. first time realizing that it tastes better when it's not 95% water.

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Thanks to everyone who voted for us on the Circle of Moms Top 25 Baby Journal page. We ended the month in the #9 position and I am so happy. Couldn't have done it without all of you. THANK YOU!

Also, I'm slowly sending replies to all of your comments. This week has been crazy. I love and appreciate all of your comments so much and can't wait to get back to you all.

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