Saturday, April 2, 2011


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henryONE 239

Lazy lazies, early saturday morning. Snuggling on the couch & watching the most ridiculous of shows. Henry had a complete meltdown when he woke up but I think he's over it now. He's SO close to talking but still unable to communicate his needs and it's frustrating him. I love holding him tight until he calms down with a deep sigh and a snotty nose hug into my neck.

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  1. this is how my morning went... well, how all mornings go, really. these morning meltdowns are no good. oliver's been waking up crying instead of his happy self.. come ooon new teeth? i dont know what it is

    but i hope for the both of us, the funks stop but the snuggles continue. and awesomely bad cartoons.

  2. you're so pretty!

    bailey is at the same point... she can't really talk and just whines and points at everything... and i'm like what are you pointing at? what do i do?!

  3. Love your blog, and found you via your blog post at She Breathes Deeply. It's nice to read from young mother's like me, and know I'm not alone in the mess of parenthood! Your little Henry is adorable! I love your post about shopping at Forever 21. I'm in agreement with babies being the best budget saver EVER.

  4. Ha :) I remember that cartoon.

  5. Hello you beautiful little family.

  6. I think that not being able to talk is causing our tantrums too... it is so hard because you know they want to tell you something and just can't get it out.

  7. you are such a pretty mama! happy weekend.

  8. Wow. I haven't been here in a few weeks and I feel like Henry's already changed so much.

    He's adorable! Miss you. :)

  9. You two are adorable! I think our boys should definately be friends!! :)

    I love your blog, it's like what I aspire to be like! :) Thankyou for your comment, it made my day! :)

    Momma B & Babyboy

  10. that first picture is BEAUTIFUL! put it in a frame! so sweet, mama! :)

    (also, your post about thin mint ice cream made me really excited to have some later.)
